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3 janvier 2017 2 03 /01 /janvier /2017 19:44

I have given a few successful long readings about all my anti trust cases and cartels,also about international law and world wide economics to a few hundred students at the university from Maastricht.1990/91.(I also had multiple interns students working for me for a couple of years).Later the multinationals and the direction of the University,made it clear to me that they did not wanted me anymore.(to protect the cartels of course).The "university" of Maastricht who knows me Maurice Visser and my company VIHO very very well since 40 years,they should be ashamed at least,and recognize their fundamental mistake now,to make clear ship,they always protected huge multinationals with their cartels and corruption only .The corrupt University of Maastricht who kick me out,to make a deal with their corrupt racism Queen in the Netherlands ,who signed personally the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992 and who on her side makes thousands of corrupt evil deals with e.g. Saoudi.s and dutch huge construction companies like Ballast Nijdam ,and the complete University of Maastricht made and was a 100% complicity with that and still is .This "Queen"(now her son is the "King") who signed the treaty of Maastricht in the Limestone Quarries of Maastricht ,(which where by the way I played as a kid and put my name in them already 50 years ago ).,This Queen who destroyed and declared my company VIHO bankrupt juste 3 years after that she signed the treaty.And those Saoudi`s and those "SHEIKS"for example who said officially that corruption exist already since Adam and Eve,and that it is NORMAL,and it is "Human" "NATURE" ,so think and do all these Royal xenophobic families everywhere,and all other politicians who signed it,and they educated even all their children like that,and if they have "simple" good citizens who do not want to be like them,they say that those "simple" citizen are the bad and corrupt,and criminals ones ,not them,already for centuries.And it is true that this collective corruption exist and is "normal" unfortunately already since Adam and Eve,so this means that they always ruled with those evil thoughts,and their "perfect" families with their children where just cover ups for all their lives to hide their corrupt lives.. BUT FOR ME IT IS NOT NORMAL TO BE CORRUPT,AND IT WAS AND IS NOT, AND NEVER WILL BE AT ALL ..IN.. MY ..NATUR...so I was and will always fight it for the rest of my life. Also those kind of persons always say and stated and claim that those very huge business deals,and constructions,etc ,etc would not be there if they would not have done it their way,with other words,they say ,that IF MANKIND IS NOT CORRUPT,IT WOULD HAVE BUILD NOTHING AT ALL ?????................. WHAT IS THIS?? THIS IS THE BIGGEST ::: ....INSULT,DESTRUCTION,RUIN,ABOLITION,INDIGNITY,DEGRADATION,PUT DOWN, ABASEMENT, OF, FROM, AND AGAINST , MANKIND, HUMANITY OF ALL HISTORY DONE BY ALL THOSE "ROYAL" AND "RELIGIOUS " FAMILIES,...LIKE IF HUMANITY ONLY CAN EXIST IF THEY ARE CORRUPT?? AND ON TOP OF THAT ALL,IS THE FACT THAT, ALL THOSE COLLECTIVE WORLDWIDE COMPETITION AND ANTI TRUST VIOLATIONS ARE EVEN MILLIONS OF TIMES MORE DANGEROUS THAN ALL THOSE BRIBERIES AND CORRUPTION SCANDALS FOR OUR PLANET FOR SURE,BECAUSE ANTI TRUST VIOLATIONS ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE WORLDWIDE FUNDAMENTAL MISTAKES..AND ALL UNIVERSITIES WORKED AND STILL WORK WITH THESE KIND OF PEOPLE INTENSIVELY AND USE THEM AS A GOOD AND PERFECT EXAMPLE !!!!!,FOR THEIR STUDENTS ALL HISTORY ??WHAT A DANGER WHAT A DISASTER TO HUMANITY THEY WHERE AND STILL ARE. AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT ALL ,THEY DARE TO SAY ALWAYS THAT I MAURICE VISSER HAS NO RESPECT AND IS RESPECT-LESS TO MANY PEOPLE ??? P.S. and talking about insulting:: I am not insulting anybody but I am accusing those persons,and I tell and proof the true and I am exactly right about it,and I believe strongly,that Humanity is and can profoundly do good,and can live much,much more and more healthier,and can of course even keep all his humanely and naughty temporary mistakes and strong aggressive ambitious attitude and does not need to be Snow-White either at all,and it is me who put people and humanity UP and NOT down like they do,because what those persons in power are doing is deeply and all their life long bad corrupt faith,they sold their souls,that is black and white.....Also all the important now and in history e.g.philosophers,psychiatrists,economist,"scientist"(scientist by the way who did "not" find out about competition violations,because they would not be longer on he market very soon if those rules where respected),and health scientist,politicians,states men,,writers,religionist .literatures etc.etc.like e.g.Socrates,Plato,Arstoteless,Sigmund Freud,Carl Jung,Shakespeare,Victor Hugo,Michel de Montaigne,Andre Gide,Rene Descartes,Andre Malreaux,Jean Paul Sartre,Leonardo de Vinci,Albert Einstein(Albert Einstein who did "not" discover who was behind all that evil from Adolf Hitler,which are people and culture where he believe in also and always,that why he did not said something about it) ,marie currie, alfred nobel,Friedrich Nietzsche etc.etc and all "Saints" ,cardinals,priest and Popes from the church,who position themselves always in history so called neutral but they always where a 100 % at the evil side ONLY..SO ALL these persons,the fathers and for fathers,and mothers,where and still are ,if you believe it or not,BASED "fundamentally" their life long work and believe ,on this point of view ALSO ,of that corruption,is in the nature from humanity,because if they would have said,wrote or write something about it even a little bit or even one line (what they NEVER did in ALL their books),or if they would NOT have really profoundly believed that also ,and they where not and are part of it and link to it, ,they could have not become famous and important at all,and would not have bin even allowed to write and work at all ,they would have bin kick on the street many times like I have bin ,and people would have never written and talk about them anymore and even not and never at all,on universities ,governments,in books ,etc,etc,because the public ,and themselves ,would have bin and stayed insulted,and bin forced to deal with this issued FIRST( actually it is a quit simple subject the competition laws),,and the public could not have started their "new" "society" and "culture" again at all,but they started every time again in the same bad way,and do and did the corrupt collective thing again,until today. It is because of this collective bad attitude from all these important persons,who where and are ALL deeply WRONG,and have the monopoly of being "good",and that we have everlasting problems,like crime,terrorism,drugs,corruption,divorces,wars,poverty,masse murders,child and women abuse,class struggle etc.etc., and putting a 10 trillion $ in the society,which by the way is NOT economic at ALL,is NOT the way at all to get ride of it,..unfortunately.....,IF SO ,....PROVE IT.... All those biggest final financial decision makers(who are a big danger for this planet) on this world seems all together,to have forgotten one most basic thing of it all,and that is,that how now and in the future will decide who gets what ,and makes what kind of money and how much,because until now this was and still is ONLY bases on territories,concerning land,and market segments,and class,etc,etc,NOT and NEVER it was for the quality,in our society. _________________________________________________ And so ,a good way to protect those kind of people with their cartels was and is to get rid of me first,and again that is what they violently did to me,i am sure they own a lot of stock from those cartels,al those "professors"and the directions,and boards,etc,,from the university (i am not against owning stocks at all,but again, NOT from companies who cheat and discriminate all their existence.) For e.g. also like the Erasmus university in Rotterdam,who wrote already in about 1987 a very important article about cartels ,after that I Maurice Visser alone had made scandal in the netherlands that i was fighting them all alone, since about 10 years already,(by the way ,you even had 400 cartels officially at knowledge by that corrupt dutch government at that time,can you imaging,what an apartheid evil) , the Erasmus university wrote a important article and ironically said that Holland was and is a CARTEL PARADISE in 1987,like if nothing is really wrong with it and like if they want to draw investors to the netherlands ,like it is for to have cheaper taxis in a country e.g like to encourage them ,and like their is NOTHING wrong with cartels,They are pure evil),so corrupt they are,(but with me Maurice Visser their was and is something wrong,they let me know that very clearly,) ,but again,and again,competition violation is a fundamental mistake,and creates world wide bad distribution of wealth,paying lower taxis e.g. is just a small violation next to that.,and it is especially those cartels who do not pay taxes,and all those,university professors,scientist,doctors,teachers,specialist etc etc pretend to have (and think that their is,but that is only what idiots think) THE THEORY ABOUT THE RELATIVITY ,and misuse their power and are scammers because of this.,they are all one of the first to make competition violations,and make their living like that only. Also all the institutes who "fight" corruption(which they should of course very badly and very fast),and who have to show anyhow,to the public that they "do" finally something about it,actually are pleasing the cartels with it and they know this very well,,because they are doing this already for centuries together with all their Royals families like in Europe especially in the Netherlands (also U.K.)and with e.g. Saoudi Arabian,and with corrupt construction companies e.g. like Ballast Nedam in the Netherlands etc,etc,,because to make propaganda ,and, it is to mislead the public ,so they do NOT "need" to talk about competition violations,from all those big companies,because if the competition rules would be respected first and finally their would be no more corruption at all,simply because of the fact that they price themselves out of the market because of all the bribery cost,and their bad quality,and the cartels owned by those Royals corrupt racism families,would not exist anymore at all,so all those institutes like the e.g. F.I.O.D in the netherlands (who did and tried destroy me already for 40 years FOR REAL)are still corrupt themselves also by having this mafia strategy and help the cartels and the dutch Royal Nazi family with it to continue to exist,and are continuing sickening this world with it.To love some one and your family is one thing,but to make an honest ,fair,harmonized society on long term and protect your family and your love ones is an entirely other thing.There is no love without protection.But cheaters protect not and love not their families of course.Conclusion they the cheaters for all those years made their money illegally all their lives so this means that all the properties what they own worldwide is 100 % unlawful and illegitimate.,so they have NO RIGHT at all on all properties rights worldwide from all history and now in the present,it is void and voided. .And than those important universities and government people who play falls themselves,want to "know " the true like e.g.Prime Minister Mark Rutte from the Netherlands and asked the U.N. to find the guilty ones e.g. about that terrible air attack with boeing MH 17 who killed many families in 2014 with all these things going on since centuries and also with al their big e.g. energy cartels e.g. here in the netherlands,but if I Maurice Visser want to tell him Mark Rutte the truth about all those evil cartels in the Netherlands ,at ones he does not want to find the truth out any more why all those people died ,is it not ,and he put me even in a clinic and treats me like bad person everywhere where i go,and is still hostile against me,They shot down my plane my company Viho and tried to destroy me and shoot me down like the plane MH 17 for the last 40 year and made by shooting down Viho in april 1995 done by the corrupt court in Maastricht,millions more victims worldwide.They even still do not want to give me back in 2017 everything they have stolen from me,e.g. my capital,damage claims,properties,companies etc,etc and confiscated and have stolen all my important(for the whole world) files about 30 big fireproof safes ,to stop me to work,simply because of the fact that they can continue to cheat and be xenophobic and to protect their corrupt colleagues and that they do not want to admit that they are all wrong again in history,they really do not care about all the basic problems in this world at all,and just keep on thinking about themselves only they are a public danger. (The U.N. by the way who "can not" and does not want to say something about it, because again they where always collectively violating competition and anti-trust rules themselves, so they are corrupt also,in all their existence,and are totally not independent and even involved ,like all those terrible things what happens e.g now in Syrian).And now all those cartels became even normal and everywhere and more of them,even if they say officially that they "fight"them,but that is a BIG LIE ,and ones more ,all those people still treat me,my son and his mother like scum,today 2017?And again this is not about me but, about the future of their own children,what they do not care at all about, it still seems.The Maastricht University is even still worst against me,I write more about them also in a other article,in my blog.And I also sent the University in Maastricht a 7 pages long very important article in january 2015 about me and my companies and all my anti trust cases, after that immediately some teachers who work together with the Maastricht University where not only disrespectful to me but where trying to intimidate me many times and where very impolite and rude against me and where literally stalking me. ALL the students should accuse and sue all the universities to get all their scholarship money back from the last 40 years.All those famous Universities world wide ,especially Maastricht ,Paris, New York ,Oxford ,Chicago,Los Angeles, infest all future generations for good.These students where just wasting their time and energy all those years all over the world with studying cartels like e.g. "communism","socialism","capitalism","democracy",,black´s,white´s,"republicans","royalism","rebels",terrorism,arabs,science((((( science again by the way who represents lies not the truth and facts and e.g. who "knows"things ,except that competition rules where never respected in history...,which suite them VERY well,because all those science people who are their now would disappear completely if their was real competition,and the science people stop inventions only ,without competition their are no real inventions and resurge and their is no real progress(like with e.g.medicines,which is a total disaster nowadays ).With those science people who are their now, science is just an opinion for sure and only link to dirty money,also they always misuse their crucial position and blackmail the public with stopping the competition and make themselves rich only with big multinational cartels (like Toshiba)who where punished already many times by the commission and me and like e.g also the companies and crucial institutes in the pharmacy and justice sector did like i proved for 40 years already,they should investigate first and deeply and only what where and still are the collective terrible effect of all falls competition they do,if they really want to progress in this world.Those science people are corrupt because making competition violations is being corrupt and I personally made pay e.g. the Toshiba people 2.5 millions € of penalty to the Commission already in 1988 ,see my Toshiba case,those people where still threaten me again12 years later and that those Toshiba science people have power plants is frightening and they should stop with that instantly and should stand trial,all the power plants should be closed instantly because they are a bad dangerous cartel only..science people are international science people only ,that means that they are all themselves national people only not just science people only. ,...science people are just an other sect... )))) ,union´s"religions"racism,Labor party,nationalism,"lefts","rights", "Green´s"(((Greens by the way who always stop competition and me also because if you have competition the consumer e.g.would get money for all his garbage and excrements,not the other way around like now, ,this proves that they do not want to change the planet for the better,because with real competition they would be NO e.g. Co 2 problem at all very fast.,and the IPCC organization e.g. knows this very well and that makes them also corrupt because they fill their pockets only with those industrial cartels who are the cause of global warming ))).......And all those politicians with their entire never ending charade,or like the "Turkish"e.g. who have as "political program" I AM A TURK ??,and their political leader pretend to be a good example citizen now at ones with a history of ONLY massacres,wars,gangs, corruption,dictatorships ,poverty,etc,etc it is just ridiculous,and throws thousands journalist,teachers,officials, etc,etc in jail if they do not agree with,(probably they should because they keep on lying,and have the same behavior like him,and the other´s ones before, about the whole thing also),I really do not understand that they even shows himself on TV ,now to day´s turkish people and world wide citizen only still believe in that kind of person if they are force and are economically link to him,seems that all can not make a living in a honest way, or the afghanistan people with their only political program since decades that they.. hate america... ??, what is this ,and these kind of political leaders get even everything the want from the UN ??..its is deeply shameful all that at the least... All those students had to waist their very precious student time and energy since history completely for NOTHING at all,It lead them to nowhere at all,and was the bad and a complete charade example how to NOT do things only, It had and still has nothing to do at all ,with to learn a real profession .A proof of this is e.g ME myself ,i am fighting cartels already for 40 years and i really would like to have time finally to do my real profession in a normal way at last. Also again all those Universities NEVER have explain to their students why all those world wars happened ,the countries just blame each other and that is it,it is of course because they e.g all those professor, have the same bad behavior in their society today,like they had ALL those years in the society before those wars started,they still have same structure etc.etc.When they finally admit this first,only then real life can start on earth.And if they "memorize" even today the 5 of may 2017 all the 2 WW victims,they seem to ignore that the same behavior and about the same situations are still their today e.g like all those people who died when they had to flee their country because of nationalism and wars.,so what happened with their memory at ones,and why do they ignore it again.??shameful it is. Also worldwide movements for woman should start thinking like humans first not as women first,because women or men is just an other ethnic cleansing and not the way to help women world wide at all it seem if you look at the result in history,there are NO results at all in the biggest parts of the planet..this of course counts as much and even more for men.Those organizations who are their now to "protect"the women world wide are having the same bad behavior and protecting the same "economic"cartels who put many women in bad positions,that is why their are no results. And of course all those borders ,barriers ,nationalism,religions,chauvinism "rules"etc,etc is and always was a waist of time and energy for nothing at all for young and old ,for everybody,on the whole world,if we do not have those bad things on the planet anymore,humans can get maybe soon already 2 times older ,and on the long run maybe 3 times older then now.,because of all the spiritual and physical energy which was waisted for nothing at all.They all where just banging their heads against all those WALLS,for the last 10.000 years,(especially against the one in Jerusalem) Also it is clear that we are talking about all those territories who are own by all the banks,insurances, pension funds etc,etc who seems to not care what is going on,and in what terrible situation they brought us in again in history,and they seems not to care at all also about their own children´s future ,and next generations at all,they have the power and must have and had the responsibility to see all this evil coming and must try to prevent it off course. I wonder what all those university professors,and politicians etc ,tell the students about what and how will their future look like ?,because it is up to those politicians to answer that crucial question,or do they had and have NO plan ?,i am sure not,it is not for the students to say what their future will be at all, if their bases,fundamentals,and constitution would be made good ,they could could have ask this question at the students, ,but, it is not..they the students where and are not the for fathers and "the building blocks". Or in what those students can believe in NOW,today and the future? they want us to believe in Coca cola,or in a I phone´s,or in internet.or "science", or big brands only etc,etc or what ?? lets hope not.Big brands who do not tell history but lie about it always and only. To ask the important question how do you see the future like e.g. Jan Terlouw from the political party in the Netherlands D 66 did,at all those many young students,just starting their lives, is very cheap,falls and cowardly,form him,it is like shifting and try to get ride of all the fundamentally problems and blames, what he and all his other politicians colleagues and from all other political parties,"made" and "builded up", and brought us into (deep problems like e.g. Donald Trump and his worldwide multinational cartels) in the last half century they are shifting OVER those problems, to these young people, like voila ,here you have them, like if it is not his and those old politicians their mistakes,who fooled and mislead the students,all their lives,just keep on lying like he and his colleagues did all their lives,this person is completely falls,tries to play smart and to find a way out and an escape for all his mistakes ,that is all.He and all those other "politician"where and still are always back up by all those world wide evil cartels all his career,they did not care about all his bla,bla,bla,la,la,la,la, all his life along,at all,as long if he let all the industry fix the market under them as comfortable as possible,and take the power and the money,he and they was and are perfect for the industrial cartels,and their "build up" illegal unfair "distribution" "system".It is all BUILD ON A LIE: Also many of al those "politicians" and "royals" and "important"people and "judges"pretend to be to the public so,"""discreet , simple,clean, modest, subdued, honest,tasteful,well dressed, faire and not very rich""" etc,etc ,which is all easy to do ,but they know very well that they are falls and back up with lies only, for the last 70 years (and all history) and by billions and billions of € coming from those evil cartels for publicity,and smart marketing,and illegal power,and all important news paper,justice.police,media, internet , "intelligentsia", "elites"and Universities, etc,etc but with me I have all that money and power NOT ,I just have my BLOG,and with my blog, and all alone,with almost every body against me, I try to WARN as much people all over the world and so far I was already right with many,many of my accusations , and again had always against me all those industrialist world wide with their huge amounts of money and power, as you know,who tried and still try to eliminated me on a daily basis for real,like I proved that many times,because i was and i am still very worried about this all for everybody,for the last 40 years ,i am a real enemy for their corrupt behavior.They do not like that ::, I TRY TO FIGHT FOR PEOPLE WHO NEEDS IT THE MOST. Donald Trump is even created in the last 50 years and elected this year ,by all those other parties ,like democrats,socialist,communist,"Greens" and "science" and "elites"and other institutes who are as much corrupt and racism as he is and who know me very ,very, well ,and always protected those cartels and tried to destroy me and sweep me from the map as much as the other ones, like the UN and Unicef,Amnesty international,Medecins "sans" Frontieres,"Human"Rights "Watch" etc etc because they ALL do not care that he brings down completely HUMAN,moral,and social, values,as long as he brings up FINANCIAL "VALUES" ONLY,which will not stand either because they made a fundamental construction mistake ,,they play falls al the way,,now they are stock with this situation and again with this unfair distribution system and have to choose between those values ,IT IS BLACK OR WHITE,if they would have not stop and block me and learned from my anti trust cases the last 40 years and had respected the market principles and the anti trust rules,they could have had maybe booth.Especial the "elites" world wide who pretend to distinct themselves from him today 2017,what a hypocrites,let them try to "distinct" themselves from Donald Trump when all their bank accounts from those "elites"will maybe go to zero,like it happened to me,see if they still have a big mouth.Now and that is what they created::DONALD TRUMP, IS THEIR OWN AND EVERYBODY´S BANK ACCOUNT ,NOW. Me e.g when I planned to go PUBLIC on the stock market Wall street in 1987 with one of my companies (I own 40 % of the stocks)called Cinema Ventures INC ,located on 575 madison avenue,New York ,with my financial values AND MY HUMAN VALUES and my anti trust cases and market principles respects ,and reputations already ,at that time, fighting against ONLY BIG GUYS, ,I triggered a psychological effect that PLUNGE the complete Wall street New York stock market and all the other markets world wide with 25% up to 45 % ,just one month before I wanted to go public (everything was perfectly ready for my public offering) , BECAUSE OF ME ONLY, IT WAS BLACK MONDAY, I had made them, the BIG guys (especially "insurance" banks and union´s people) ,very,very,very nervous and very ,very afraid,again, in New York with my public offering at that same time ,I still have proof of this all. Again with me they could have had maybe booth,human and financial values at the same time,if they would have not block me. Those final decision makers from e.g. big insurance groups world wide should stand trial for crime against humanity,because of their "economic"behavior all their existence long,they decide if your are one them,and if you do not compete with them,also they want and must own you personally, if not they ,with their cartel, world wide ,do not insure you at all nowhere,you are on their black list,so much about individual freedom,is it not? Lets see what the financial stock markets all over the world will do in the coming future after all their existence and all those years of complete disrespect from all those people for the competition and anti trust laws..lets see what the price is they will pay for all their long cumulative collective bad behavior this time.

one of my readings / speech to the University of Maastricht 15 march 1991 for about 120 students page 1.....(also needless to say that I am very ,very disappointment from all those students world wide ,with their history of student "activism", their NEVER said or fought at all against falls competition anti trust violations , nationalism and racism at all,and they where even against me.)..

My Speech to the University of Maastricht 16 september 1991 page1 for about 80 students

All those Universities never all their existence explained to their students NEVER ever what really triggered all those wars in history,and what really happened in the society many years before on economic,international worldwide trading deals and pacts,social,justice, levels etc,etc,and certainly not about  the holocaust and the 2 WW,all those professors where and still are a 100% involved and still have the same behavior which is the cause of all that evil...Also always after all the wars all Universities,history books,specialist,doctors,professors Doctors,Intellectuals,elites,priest, etc,etc still say to the public it was only Hitler and the germans,if they memories the victims,like the allied soldiers e.g.,they call them the hero´s,and the germans the bad guys,and that is truth the germans where the worst,but the Royal families everywhere were as bad as he was,they brought him,Adolf Hitler even in power (Time Magazine called him even in 1939 Man of the Year) and in that situation,with their power and way of rule and dividing all those years before the wars always happened ,with their way of doing business and structuring their society,and their "faith".And companies from the English, Dutch,french,Italian and Spanish etc,which did and still does business with companies like Henkel, Porsche,Mercedes,daimler,Thyssenkrupp,Bayer, etc ,etc,and in cole,steel and machinery industries,(especially English)and UNIONS,Banks,Insurance companies,schools ,Universities,Churches,cities councils,media etc etc their it is where it went and still goes wrong,but all the "elites" and "intellectuals" who you can only join their pact if you have dirty hands also,so that they can not blame each other and can continue with their evil strategy, now still today they do not talk about it honestly and deeply.And that is that they had ALL one thing in common with their subculture and that was and still is ,destroying the competition,productivity,efficiency,innovation,and hold back small and medium companies, bit by bit for ALL those and these years,in short they are big wasters and  they destroyed everything which is good from the beginning from the Humans, just to keep their statues quo and their illegal power,.it where al those "Royal families" in Europe who have sent 6 million people into the gas chambers and 70 million people into death because those people were and wanted to compete with them and come on the market only,that is why the treaty of Rome,and before the treaty of Versailles, was made,and I prove all alone that they NEVER have respected it, and that they still do not respect it at all..They should write at least about 1 million different books about it for the rest of the humanities knowledge ,about what exactly really went and still goes wrong.They never did this and will do this at all because if they do ,they have to admit that all the people fathers ,mothers and for and grand fathers and mothers,who where and still are in power are guilty also,because they still have the same behavior,and way of economic thinkings and strategies,and living,and bad "faith" and the same  daily life behavior.

Now e.g the war in Syrian,that somebody explains the public and the students,who is fighting who already for all those years ,and what is really going on there ,and exactly all the economic interest etc,etc,but they (especially the UN) will NOT explain this to the public and all the students world wide simply because of the fact that they are ALL guilty.

When i asked them on my school when i was a kid very firmly when they will start honestly and finally start talking and explaining on school and on TV and in books ,what and why it really happened ,and in all those years before and what  triggered the holocaust and the 2 WW and the 1 WW etc,etc, they treaded my very rude and gave me bad notes,from 1 to 10 ,I even had many time:minus 2,and let me double my class again,and gave me no diploma at all either(which I really did not mind at all).They and my parents (all the parents) block completely,on this subject,and still do,,they could just NOT talk about it all,and became immediately nervous and upset or lie about it if i would have push the subject even more,,,and they even denied it,and said it was just an other War that is all,humans and the world are and is like that they said,and on school also they gave this same message???,and everything just continued they used as "excuse".?,these where some of their brief answers that´s all,what an insult for Humanity is it not,like that ,we can not do better.And then I can tell you that my parents where even the ones who where the less involved with those German AND Dutch Nazis,in my town.And still up until today they let their children and all students world wide grow up with this total uncertainty,and you can become successful on schools and universities ONLY if you do not talk ,doubt,and asked profoundly about all those things,and the society and the way they make their money really,,WHAT A HERITAGE THEY GAVE US,,,THANK YOU,,, And that you do not doubt about your superiors and former superiors at all,you MUST trust and believe them,they may make the moral ?No wonder that you have so many who did not wanted to sell their sole,use drugs and alcoholism and go and are push in to crime etc, etc because they do not trust the society,because they had all those fathers and for fathers who have sent 6 million people in to the gas chambers without afterwards pleading and admitting guilty and officially deeply honestly analyze,researching and investigating and publishing all that evil,and where it exactly came from,and by not making public ALL the real documents world wide from all those important institutes especially the Vatican?.And then you have all those politicians today who pretend to fight drugs for their children,those politicians ,which continuing lying about their past and their corrupt way of making their living today,who all sold their sole??

So nowadays e.g. you have all these "security" force and justice,and police and "intellectuals" who say that they want to "protect" us and "help" us,but that is for the corrupt money only,because how can they protect us if they are still the bad guys and are at the source of the bad side,because it is a fact now that they,none of them ,even not the jews, never said the truth at all about the holocaust,and all the wars,and what triggered them and that is why they continue,they say they have them (the wars)not now anymore in Europe ,like Jaques Delors said??,so why do they not talk and explain it today,why do they have the same behavior,if you have no wars anymore?? ?.Also  that their are "no" wars anymore is again because of me,because i am the only one who proves and talks and feels about it since all my life almost ,that they are ALL wrong and guilty,so they have to blame themselves first,now and finally,if they really want to change things they should admit it..And of course again i am all for it if you make mistake after some time you have to go on,and forget about them,but NOT if they do not have solved the problem and denied where it comes and came from.

 By the way when I was young about 6 years old I visit a concentration camp,I think it was Auschwitz .

One of my complain letters to different courts, this one is to supervisory board of district of the court of maastricht(raad van toezicht van het arrondisement maastricht) november 1993 against one of "my" small local lawyers, (very well connected to the university of maastricht ??) who tried to manipulated my cases and to set me up,and tried to instigate my own people against me in my own office and who is a racist and corrupt (like al the biggest lawyers office of the planet with whom i had to deal with). The answer from the court of maastricht to me was :: that they treated my as a criminal about one year later and destroyed completely Viho in Maastricht the headquarter of the Viho group,which was very ,very profitable for all those years,and after 20 years of hard day and night work from me ..and destroyed or stole especially all the evidence about 30 very large burglary and fire prove office lockers,then they stole my beautiful large villa from me just across the border from maastricht in belgium and throw me ,my son and his mother,on the street, and again my son and his mother 10 years later in Neuilly sur Seine in France.This lawyer in Maastricht,(((((who has by the way his office in the same building in Maastricht ,where the german nazies and the SS and the dutch collaborators the NSB had their headquarters 75 years ago is that not ironic ? he literally followed their same footsteps,seems that they are trying to rectify their reputation,and set "something straight" only, for all the horrible crimes they did with the Holocaust and in the 1 and 2 ww,they are not thinking about the world at ALL,is this about this and them ONLY ? ,e.g.Angela Merkel(and all the "Royals"in Europe) wants to set her for fathers and herself straight again,and who only think about germany only,for her other people can not make good products and are inferior. The ONLY way to respect ALL those people who died in those terrible wars is to LEARN from their mistakes NOT to MAKE the SAME mistakes and have the same behavior AGAIN ,like that they are not respected AT ALL. )))) So this Lawyer is an perfect example like many other lawyers ,notaries,judges(who falsify many,many times official court papers from me,and added falls papers against me and destroyed important evidence for me),politicians ,religious people, important business people etc etc in the city Maastricht and Paris,London,NewYork,LA .etc,etc how he and they tried with all effort for already 40 years,to break ,and block me,tried to set me up ,discretized me ,dishonor me,sabotage me,try to make me look like a crook and a fool ,told complete lies about me ,treated me as a bad businessman etc,etc(again even with all those daily problems against me personally and Viho I had still 20 years of excellent profits,),.Because I was disturbing them for all these years with their cartels.They wanted to stop me very badly and they succeeded by and with, physical violent force only.It still took them 20 years in Maastricht to stop me. He and they mislead and betrayed his whole "career" and the whole city Maastricht and his own family and children.,and how he,and many of his kind of people like him ,opened the way for all these evil corrupt cartels ,who are to blame for all our problems worldwide now. He this lawyer and all the other ones,did not care at all where he was leading his own children and family and city in ,and to, ..even with all the proves he had which I kept on giving them as much as possible, from their corrupt behavior,he was only guide by the dirty money only and wanted to become rich only...He who use his FAMOUS FAMILY IMAGE (like many other ones do ,like the Pope and the Vatican and Church e.g.etc ,etc) ONLY as a cover up,and to be and to continue to be 100% corrupt , he has ,no conscience ,no responsibility ,no moral ,no rules,bad faith,no law,no shame at all and is falls,and still not up until today,2017,he and they continue if nothing happened,they are a public danger..they are even still practicing "law".and still pretend that they have good intentions? unbelievable,and again still he and they pretend to be the good and the best example citizen of the city,and he and they do not care about the number of victims they have,and keep on making.He and they are big undercover extreme Naties,and that is what they protected only,and they where always falls and liars,and arrogant and snobs,and set many,many people up,they say the opposite and even pretend that they are example citizens but their behavior and results ,from all their life proof that they are NOT,also all their shares and stocks in those companies and contacts and contracts, and properties ,and bank accounts all over those years,,proves the complete contrary,they mis used al their life and career their important crucial positions completely. All these multinational cartels,big institutes ,banks,Union´s and governments etc ,etc,where only protecting and financing ethnic cleansing,borders,hatred between man and woman,and religions and groups of people, keep on putting people against each other ,sent their own son to wars over and over again,in all history, ,even still today.etc etc.because that gave and still give them a reason to keep up their borders,who are there to pay only useless functionary´s and ..ambtenaren.and bureaucrats,judges,lawyers,notaries(again who all falsify my work and information and documents from me),and complete corrupt Tax officers etc,etc with their artificial work ,with 95% less of these people this world is much ,much better of,they do not know at all how to make honest real money and profits and to have losses ,or what a balance sheet is at all,they just call the IMF. They only steel and live from other peoples money and tell us even what we have to do,they are only officials and bureaucrats because they have no conscience at all and asked all their career what to do at their superiors and they on their turn "asked" the public when it suits them,just enough to keep on filling their own pockets,that means that they never ,never work because they just never used their own mind (if it is not to play falls) not even for one day....If you want to help all the people of the world you have to be efficient,and if you are efficient, you can help them maybe 5 times better and everybody on the planet easily.. ,and if the governments "make" money then it is always with a illegal monopoly´s,,and because without these borders those people and multinationals can not exist,they are not and never where efficient and economic..It is not because of their quality that they ever existed and that they even never had,quality is also not ONLY the product or price at all,it is everything what goes with it,like services, standards of living and culture,health and social security,insurances etc is the most important of it,,and we never had it....And I Maurice Visser am NOT and NEVER was and are THEIR product either,what they claimed many times, it is a big lie.I am their contrary,they try just to find an excuse for their behavior all these years long and their failure.This is why it always goes and went wrong in history.,Again somebody muss tell me, just ones, on this world what the REAL criteria`s are to get in the market and to make a living and find work in a honest way,? If it is not ONLY now ,to belong to one of these mafia clans only,who decides who gets a piece of the CAKE.,and NOT the quality of the work himself ONLY,or the demand and offer and the market and the public himself who decides only?? No ,it is the mafia who tells you how to live and what to eat ,etc etc.there is no freedom at all......They all took the wrong direction again ,and are working and "following orders" all their lives,as easy and conscienceless and unscrupulous as that it is,and thought like that to get ride of their conscience problem forever,they where listening to the wrong persons, and now everybody is link and stock and dependent from ,and to all, this evil,and for what ?..for nothing at all,if not only dirty money,and they will certainly will receive the BIG BILL for all this behavior and these bad years..and they still think that they can fix this terrible situation and their story without telling the truth and dissociate themselves from all the problems worldwide and people like D.Trump Geert Wilders .Le Penn etc,etc,but they where only and still are using them completely,but they are and have the same behavior. and make things only worst ,They never did and still do not used quality to protect their market share ,but the NATO only. ..Do not forget before the Court of Luxembourg in 1995 I proof and say that they have a collective falls behavior ,read my case,and my letter not from the Court,,,,so I tried all my life to warn them for this all...They are guilty.... I AM THE ONLY LIVING WITNESS FROM ALL THEIR EVIL.Again all those dutch important court always where and still are exactly also like the Klu Klux Klan.And certainly the court of Maastricht. Ps :this all above exactly the same, I already wrote down and let it written down,and gave it to the people in Maastricht and Paris and many other places all over the world already 30/40 years ago.And I was standing for it already 40 years, (and actually all my life ,)and still stand,and will always stand, and believe,for the rest of my life for it....... And at the same time,also in case you forgot, I was running a trading company for about 20 years with a average of turnover about 20/30 millions € a year,and thousands of retail customers worldwide and controlling ALL the finance,and purchasing ,myself,,all alone with even many own employees against me.But they continue anyway with their behavior against and still block me,up until today.They treat me like if I am dangerous,but I am not and never was the slightest bit,it is they who are dangerous, Me, I am a gift. I am ...PEACE... they are ,and always where ...WAR....

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